This serves to inform the media that online registration for 2023 MTBPS lock-ups is now open. The
lock-up affords the media an opportunity to interact with the Budget documents under embargo. The
embargo lifts when the Minister starts speaking in Parliament.
Click on the link below to register. Registration closes on 20 October 2023

Registration Link

The registration portal includes all information regarding lock-ups in both Pretoria and Cape Town.
The lock-up rules are also uploaded on the portal. Please read through the rules upon registering.
Everyone who registers for lock-ups agrees to be vetted by National Treasury and its partner vetting
institutions. Once vetting processes have been completed, only then will accreditation be granted to
the applicant. The communication of the confirmation of accreditation will be in writing, through email.

Accredited journalists must bring an identification document (either an ID, passport or Driver’s
license). Not being in possession of these could result in non-admittance to the lock-up.
No late registrations will be accepted.

Due to this fact, journalists are encouraged to register, even if they are unsure whether they will
attend the lock-ups to ensure that they are registered on time should they decide to cover MTBPS

Issued by Nation Treasury
Date: 20 September 2023

Author: admin
